Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 1 vegan type diet

So my sister's had me watch Forks over Knifes on Netflix. So it motivated me to try an experiment on my own. My health could definitely improve, I did not like the lab results I got last so... I am going to try a mostly vegan diet for two months and have my doctor retest and see how my numbers look and see if the diet really does make a difference for me. I will allow cheating if we are visiting family and friends during meals and I might have milk or yogurt with healthy cereal and occasional egg, but that is all. The focus will be whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

So far today on breakfast we had strawberries, bananas with soy milk on our oatmeal. Sides of carrot juice, strawberry/apple juice/ cantaloupe, it was delicious and wonderful.

Lunch was canned green beans (I am hoping to start lowering the canned goods), mufti-grain Chips from Costco, apple slices and apple/strawberry juice (made by my son). I'm also trying to drink plenty of water. So I just made this resolution this morning, but I really feel like it is worth trying, thus the blog, I'll try to keep this up daily.


Nicole said...

Way to go Sarah, you are braver than we as of yet. Make sure you still get enough healthy protein for energy, and remember you've just had a baby! Hang in there!

Mary said...

One thing that has helped me as we have started this vegan diet is to find good recipes and menu plan so that I'm not stuck wondering what to make. Good luck!

Rachel Leslie said...

Awesome! Stephen and I want to do the same thing, so be sure to post your recipes as it gives us good ideas of yummy food. I think it helps when the whole family is doing it because it is hard having to be the odd one out. If you start to feel yourself drift in motivation, I'd watch Forks over Knives again, perhaps every day until it really sinks in. I always get re-motivated when I see it.

Rachel Leslie said...

Oh something else I was going to add. I think even moderate exercise is important too. It may not help you loose wight, but it helps with overall healh which is the most important thing.