Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ahhhhhhhh !!!!

Right now I sort of hate love my husband. I love him so much, but that love is frustrating sometimes when I think I will make a large (king size) denim quilt for him and it is so huge and I’m not a seamstress and the machine isn’t working and I’m just going crazy and at that moment I hate whatever made me start this project in the first place.

When it comes to mechanics I am a mess, I still can’t figure out how to turn my son’s transformer toy into a robot. It took be a half hour to figure out how to make it into a police car.
The sewing machine I inherited from my seamstress grandma. It is suppose to be fancy and wonderful but I have a hard time getting it to do a simple stitch without bunching up on the back. The pedal is so temperamental and not working all the time. However, I just finished the last stitches to the top of the quilt and I am elated and no one better point out all those mistakes and where the corners don’t match or that I have a dark square next to another dark square.
This whole project has me missing my Grandma D. My sister and cousin have really taken off with sewing and doing wonderful.

I hope she would be proud of me for making the attempts I have, even though I am so intimidated by the sewing at times. I have been trying to do a homemade Christmas as much as I can this year. It has been fulfilling and frustrating at times. I have been making lots of crocheted hot pads and hoping to make some hats to give friends and family. I’m making even tying the quilt fun, right now I’m watching Lord of the Rings while I tie and I’m hoping some family will come over tomorrow to help so we can visit while we tie.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Love it, love it, love it. I hope you figure out how to post pictures after the end of the year and you can show us your hubby, all snuggled up in that quilt.