Monday, December 3, 2007

My weird imagination

One thing I've always known I've had is an imagination. My dad said something wise about that "sometimes your greatest strengths can be your greatest weaknesses." I've thought about that often. Sometimes my imagination doesn't allow me to fully live in this world. I have to be careful because when I read a book I literally become the character in the book I really live a life through the character (I have to be extra careful what I read and watch).

Sometimes my imagination would prove I have a hard time growing up. When I was ten I prayed for a year for a pet dragon, God did answer my prayer, but not quite in the way I wanted. I was given the impression that after this life I can create all sorts of things (my imagination will come in really helpful then), and that I shouldn't go about asking for selfish things to test the Lord's promise to answer our prayers. When I was 15, in highschool, I found Neverending Story the book at the library. I secreted it away to my room, made sure no one was around and I wouldn't have any interuptions and opened the book, truly believing for a moment that I would have the same experience Sabastion had literally, physically going into and affecting the story.

I have found imagination can come in handy in parenting, cooking and cleaning. It is amazing some of the fun recipes I've been able to come up with just using what I had on hand. Like my special curry dish. I cube apples, potatoes, turkey or chicken, a bunch of raisins or craisins and dose them with olive oil and curry powder and cook in the oven 350 degrees till done, who would of thought it would taste so good. In parenting it is good to be creative in encouraging your kids in getting things done, teaching them to play, and how to discipline them without hurting your relationship with them. I've found the more I use my imagination with my parenting the better my children respond. Of course cleaning. If I can be creative and redecorate a room, rearrange things and maybe make the cleaning of a room into a piece of art I always am much happier and find greater fulfillment.

I worry and I worry. It seems like my husband can not travel beyond five miles without me without my worry imagination kicking in. I atomatically worry about mugging, crazy drivers, most of all of him being killed and how devistated I would be and how I would want to be there for my children but I would be a basketcase. What if he went into a coma or was injured and how would I respond and the entire senerio goes through my head. When I was sixteen my Dad accidentally took me to a foriegn film that had a horror ending, I couldn't sleep till I collasped for two or three months. You can tell what sort of movies I do not chose to watch.

Imagination does come in great for writing. Of course I have spent a great deal of my adult life overcoming my challenge of not finishing things. I really have to force myself to on long things. I've started about 20 novels and many short stories. I do o.k. on poems and short exerpts, but it is my goal this year to finish to go forward with my imagination and do the longer more challenging writing. Well, that is my exerpt on my weird imagination.

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