Friday, November 23, 2007


A day of pie, and family. Homemade pizza pie instead of turkey, my husband did most of the work, a small family dinner just four adults and three children, how nice and quiet, games, building, reading, watching stories being built. Of course pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and apple pie, you always need to have those. We've been watching The Storyteller a Jim Henerson DVD all sorts of folk stories we really enjoyed from the Library. One of my favorite lines "...whispers turned into a kisses" referring to a love story. How I love having my children home, my husband home, family and neighbors around us. We haven't had the money to travel or go do all the things I would like to do with the kids, but we can sit under the stars, play baseball in the back yard, go to the local museum, play games of legos and crystal climbers and appreciate all the beauties of nature around us.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Perfectly perfect, in my opinion. Except for that pizza. A Thanksgiving Pizza? Well, a womsn who wants to fly into space can have whatever she wants. Even the moon.

PS You actually HAVE everything you want, anyway. I'm happy to be learning from you.