Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby's self-destructive day

Oh, poor baby, I'm going to have to watch you so close
You just can't leave the glass alone when you break your sister's jar, a bandaid for you
You just grab so fast the just opened can and cut your thumb, another bandaid for you
We have enchiladas, fruit, and spinach for dinner, you get hives

Your teeth are coming and you are moaning all day
You are just starting to walk and you keep tipping over and hitting your head
Your so tired and crash into everything
Yet you don't even cry loud, just little moans, the loud crys for bedtime

What a sad, sad day yet here at the end of it your smiling
You cuddle and play with your siblings
You are facinated with everything and everyone
You just stared at storytime at the libary so much excitement

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oh, sweet baby, who has the confidence to go again, do more, get hurt and get up and do it all over. Sweet baby, whose mom cuddles her and kisses her and says "I love you," and then that baby, who is confident in that love, goes again, doing things, learning and then wails at bedtime because Mom is not right there, scrunched in the crib with her.