Sunday, November 25, 2007


It was a little sad to see our company leave today, but nice to have a quiet Sunday afternoon, just slow and time to write. I think I am going to write a letter today, being inspired by Lynne. I came home from church to my sweet husband asleep with our sick baby curled up asleep in his arms, I had to take a picture, it was the cutest thing. I may be funny but I find my husband so attractive when he is helping with the kids and so sweet with them, when he is making breakfast, the more he is around, it has been a wonderful holiday I am already regretting tomorrow and how life goes on but I will treasure all these memories, frozen moments of time where we just enjoy being together.
Sundays are often crazy, rushed filled mornings getting myself and the family dressed, fed and supplies put together for church. It seems like I wrestle with children all through church my children and my primary class. Yet, I think I am perfectly suited for wild, distracted children, I really understand them, I get restless and want to move just as much as they do, I love their creativity and desires for attention and they are so sweet and I always hope they get twice as much as they seem to get out of the meetings, they have wonderful spirits and it is so nice to see how attached they are to their families and how much they learn of love at home. Today the music leader had all the children sit on the floor and talked in a soft voice to them and gave chances for all the children to participate. It was amazing how my own children responded, they were quiet, they sat, they raised their hands it was so refreshing and I thought, Oh, there is hope. As a mom you want other adults to know what sweet children you have even if they don't always allow teacher to see it, and it is nice when your children let that part of themselves be seen.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

This is so sweet. You must learn how to post pictures, I would love to see your hubby with the baby asleep in his arms. He is always so tender with her. After you learn how to post pictures you can teach me.

I loved hearing about the children sitting on the floor. Isn't it interesting how just a change of what's usual makes a difference in our lives?

Thanks for this lovely post.