Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Never Go

Never go to the dentist with your children, never need to because they have perfectly wonderfully healthy teeth. I just came back from the dentist with my daughter crying the whole way back in the car, it is just not worth it for them to have cavities. It is better to never let them have any sugar and sit on them (if you have to) to have them floss and brush their teeth. What a horrible experience to see my children in pain.

I think of parents who have had to see a lot worse with their kids. As my thoughts are running I think of parents who have had children with cancer, disabilities, illnesses. My husband's mother has lost four children, two soon after birth, one of childhood lukemia, one recently from brain tumors, the pain not only for the children but for the mother, the ones to watch. I think of Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, watching her son be crucified on the cross.

I think of the love we feel for others at this valentines, how I would wish I could express how much I appreciate others. I love my husband so much. Sometimes it seems we draw closer even when things seem stressful. I appreciate my mother watching my younger children while I was at the dentist today, I appreciate my younger sister watching my children so we can go on a date for valentines. I think of wonderful neighbor's and friends, family that we love so much. Happy Valentines and know my heart is with you.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You are simply the sweetest girl in the world. Happy Valentine's to one of the nicest people I know. I mean it.

Sorry about the dentist visit. I had 13 cavaties once when I was a kid. That is when I decided to brush my teeth and then the next time I only had seven. Seven! And I thought seven was a good number. Some of us are not blessed with good teeth but we are nice so look on the bright side with your kiddo's. But do make them brush and floss too.

g said...

A message from a Californian:
To: Utah

I grew up with 0, count them, 0 cavities, I move to Utah, first time in my life I ever had a cavity (at the age of 24) only more cavities, every time I go to the dentist, nothing seems to help here, so I say:


And if it helps I will blame Utah for my cavities, perhaps Utah wants more dentists, who knows, there is no rational reason to not flouridate your water. Like Helen Lovejoy, from the Simpsons, "What about the children? Won't someone please think of the children?"

Mary said...

Hi Sarah. I just read your blog for the first time since Christmas. I love your wonderful insights and thoughts that I can relate to even more now that I have two kids.