Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost in my own little world

Lost in my own little world As the snow piles and piles and my life is so crazy and busy with my children, it is easy to isolate myself. To get lost at home and cut off contact with everyone else without meaning to. I've been to the dentist three times this week with appointments and dental work for my kids, my life is consumed with my family and basic maintenince of my home it seems. Little baby Em is sick with a cold right now and it is so fridgid outside it is perfered to do as much indoors as possible.

I have found the key to housework for me is to combine it with one of my favorite passions, reading, by listening to books on tape or CD. Which, might in someways keep me more isolated because I get myself lost in the books, but at least my time is being used better. Sometimes I keep different books on different floors. Right now I have Harry Potter The Half-blood Prince on upstairs while I fold laundry and organize my room. I have Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry on in the kitchen and I'm planning on listening to Artimus Fowl downstairs while I exercise and clean the family room. It is amazing how much I look forward to cleaning and cooking in the kitchen or organizing my room how it comes automatically while I'm engrossed in some adventure.

I've negelcted this blog, emailing and calling family and friends and I've turned into a little home-body. I find I go through solitary stages like this and then I feel guilty about not keeping in contact and I'm desparate for friends and society, swinging on a pendulum of sorts. My husband's been working late a lot and getting ready for a new job change, times like this I get even more attached to my home and children. I have enjoyed teaching my son how to write his name, playing legos with him, cuddling and reading books, and enjoying the sweet pictures he draws for me as gifts. Even my school daughter I have come right home so I can feel like I had my time with her and I enjoy rocking and playing with my baby girl. Maybe, I won't feel guilty about this time where I just need to focus at home, that is what winter days are for anyways.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

As far as I am concerned you have chosen the better part.

Besides that, three friends come to you on Monday's and laugh for two or three hours so you aren't completely cut off from the world.