Saturday, January 19, 2008

New year goals

Well, I have several New Years resolutions:
-I will exercise at least 4 times a week, eat lower calories and no cholesterol, feel healthy
(hopefully it won't take all year for the mirror to show the change as well)
-I will be prepared for Christmas this year, have a budget, cards done by Thanksgiving, presents made or bought before December, have a prepared, planned, peaceful holiday for once
(If this happens this will be miraculous, but maybe if I start now it will happen)
- I will write a short story, poem once a week
(It helps to have a writing group I meet with once a week)
- I will write a short novel, a children's book this year
(If I can get past my first block I experience after I always start this might happen)
- I will help my children to feel successful, happy and secure
(This might be the hardest one yet, a lot of help with homework, practice, consistency etc.)
- I will support my husband in his work and talents
(I gave him guitar lessons for Christmas so it is a start, he is so talented in many ways)
- I will read (or listen to) at least 2 books a month
(This is my luxury goal, for my own enjoyment I love to read)
- I will be a better friend, a better listener, a person who truly hears and sees
(To have friends you must be a friend, when I am more this way the happier I am and closer I feel to others)
- I will enjoy the beauties all around me
(I live so close to my beautiful mountains and there is so much beauty all around me I need to take more advantage of it and share this beauty with my family)
- I will enjoy my work and my life, I will put my priorities in my time and focus
(Isn't better time management what helps us feel happy and successful)
-I will get twice as organized this year
(each year out of necessity I become a more organized person, it is just more needed as our family grows and homework and a home)
I'd love to hear what some of your new years resolutions are

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