Friday, August 7, 2009

Someone Was Watching by David Patneaude

I just finished listening to this book on CD. A young adult book, if it was made into a movie I'd definitely see it. It would be more exciting if I knew this was based off a true story I almost want it to. It is about an eighth grade boy who lost his little sister, she disappeared one day presumed drowned, but.... you'll find out, but just so you know it does end well, if it didn't think I could have read this book if I didn't have the hope it would end well. A fun clean, wonderful adventure. Not an overly complex book with tons of layers, more simple and sweet. I'd give it three to four stars. Would recommend it to anyone, a nice read.


Annette said...

These reviews are fun to read. I'll have to get the books from the library. You calloused? I don't think so, Sarah! You are one of the most truly tender people I know.

provato events said...

David Patneaude will be on blog tour Nov 1-7, 2009. Please contact me if you are interested in hosting an interview.