Monday, June 15, 2009

Good way to save money

So I've been recording our expenses and have been appalled at some of our spending esspecially when I talk to some of my siblings and they live off 1/3 or less of what I've been spending on groceries and such. Soooo, I haven't spent hardly anything this month, and my seceret? Don't shop and when I do it has been for exactly what we need like 2 gallons of milk and a carton of eggs and just using what I have around the house. Of course this will backfire when I've depleted every thing we have at home, but it is a good idea for this month since we'll be going on a trip soon and I can leave our fridge empty.


Mary said...

That's what we have been doing this month since we have had a lot of unexpected expenses(our AC and car breaking down). Just food storage and the few necessities that we can't live without. It is good because you use up those things you forgot you had before they go bad, but it is hard when you have to re-stock. Good luck!

Ruth said...

oh goodness. You are such a good mom Sarah. What a great example you are.

Rachel Leslie said...

not bad miss sarah sue

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Planning menues is the best way I know of to save on the grocery bill. I need to take my own advice.