Thursday, June 5, 2008

Another GIrls night

Last night I had a bit of spontaneous night out with my neighbor. We went to her sisters and help move furniture and redecorate her house and shelves in preparation for selling the home. My husband thought it was a weird night out, but it was fun to drive in the car and talk, redecorate someone elses house and be creative. Also it's nice to do a project finish it and leave and not see it all messed up, like with housework at home.

It's been a little crazy at home and I've felt like I've been so busy and working hard, but it doesn't always show. Like I've been organizing and sorting through papers and finances, actually saw the bottom of the laundry floor (actually got through my whole mountain of laundry) and deep cleaned the whole room. I've been waking up early and going to bed late with the help of the birds, allergies and children. So it was so nice to get away and do something different and new. We did pick up some ice cream sandwiches and juice as a treat.

So today the focus is making the rest of the house look clean and organized now that I have some underlying things done like laundry and filiing. I have to get the kids to help me pick up and clean the guest room downstairs. Sometimes the kids use it as their crazy room, I let them jump on that bed and it is where the dress -up is stored and all our extra bedding so you can imagine sometimes I'll wander into that remote part of the house and have to stiffle a scream. I have family coming in and it is amazing how fast you can get things done when you have a deadline when someone is coming over. Anyways, it was nice to have a get away doing something new.


Ruth said...

Way to go Sarah! Doesn't it feel great to get things done. We are really looking forward to seeing you! Love you!

Mary said...

Hi Sarah. It is a lot of work having company, but it was really fun seeing you. Hopefully it wasn't too hard on you and your house. Abby still talks about her cousins and Aunt Sarah all the time. She especially loved collecting snail shells at the cabin and going swimming with all of you. She still likes to tell me about Mary and the big white water slide. Thanks for taking the time to make memories with us.