Today I'm teaching my primary class about the handcart pioneers. Part of that lesson is teaching about the three eighteen year old boys who carried almost the entire Martin Handcart company across the Sweetwater River, all three of them died soon after and how Brigham Young said that act alone would secure them a place in the Celestial Kingdom. I always cry when I hear that story.
In the lesson we memorize: "And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God." D& C 14:7 "Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days" D&C 24:8 When I read about this I think about how many people I know going through afflictions. I also think of my Grandmother who felt like old age was the hardest affliction she had to go through and how even at the end we have to endure to the end.
I also read these passages and I feel like it is relevent to me, that I have many afflictions I don't even know that will be coming into my life. It causes me some anxiety, the the peace before the storm, not knowing what the storm will bring. Right now is a time I need to be building up my stores of oil, so I'm ready when the hard times come. I am so grateful for my family, for my children, for wonderful friends and for the gospel, the scriptures, for a home, for my husband to have a job, for the opportunity to stay home with my children, for my new little nephew so precious and beautiful. I am filled with gratitude in my heart and appreciation for all the wonderful examples around me.