Monday, March 24, 2008


I curse sugar and candy and the chocolate drool. I gave all the rest of the candy away to a neighbor today and it felt wonderful. My daughter stayed home sick today from school. I can't help but notice a pattern of my kids having sugar and getting sick. My carpet had to be cleaned anyways, but after candy messes and chocolate there is no question.

Teeth have to be brushed three times a day for the whole week and fluoride is a must after just one day of candy. I only got four hours of sleep last night (up with kids, then insomnia) so I tried to sleep a little this morning and woke up to the messes mess everywhere. My baby can't help but find candy when her siblings have it strewn all over and she sucks on it then spits it out drooling all over the place.

There was jam spilled on the counter, the pork and beans from the crock pot to be put into containers and refrigerated. When I went to wash the big pots and pans I found I was out of dish soap. Toys, wrappers, eggs, its so tempting to hide out in my room. I'm teaching the kids to help out, but sometimes it is more work, even though I know it will pay off in the end. I'm definitely looking forward to my night out tomorrow.


Emma said...

Best of luck with that. I don't think it ever ends. An elderly spunky lady in our ward said, "Just leave the mess, it isn't going to go anywhere". I find I have to do that a lot otherwise all I would do all day is clean. Go back to your room! :)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I hope you had a lovely Tuesday night out, Sarah. I am sick of the mess too but I have no one to blame but myself--and the cats, which HAVE TO GO this week or the first of next week.

Ruth said...

I agree with Emma, rest while you can. Love you!