Monday, March 17, 2008

New perspective

I'm getting out of my rut, I'm feeling such better, just one of those temporary set backs you experience sometimes. I'm putting some new perspectives in my life, focusing on one thing at a time, sometimes when I look at all the areas in my life I feel like I'm failing, then I get discouraged but if I can focus on just one of those things that I would like to improve and work on that it does help me feel better that I am progressing in that thing and then work on these failings one thing at a time.

I appreciate my Aunt Liz's putting together a biggest loser contest, one of my big goals I need to put in priority now is working on my health, so it would be a good challenge and only help me with positive changes I am already working on, though I don't know about any marathons in my future, I've never been able to run, but I can certainly exercise and eat right.

I also feel really positive as a mother if I am taking the time one on one with my children to let them know how much I love them and teach them about Jesus Christ. One of my writing challenges is to write some prose or a story about the true meaning of Easter and Christmas and submit it somewhere. I like to buy books for my children at holidays and I am saddened by the lack of books about Christ at Christmas time and Easter. Even if they would take a hymn or children's song and put illustrations to it I would buy that book. There is often so much distraction from the true meanings of these holidays I like to, as their parent focus on Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your comments during this rut time, it is nice to feel support and love.


Emma said...

I get in those ruts too, especially during the winter. Hope you come out soon and start writing again. You have an amazing talent. I think you are one of the most devoted mothers I know. You have a pure and giving heart; you are a great example of kindness. I have thought about illustrating a book like you mentioned.

Liz said...

I'm glad you are feeling better and I'm excited to start the biggest looser. We are planning on meeting Thursday night at grandpa's house, around 6:00pm, does that work for you? We will then give more details about everything. Let me know...