Friday, November 30, 2007

Mother's night out

What a wonderful evening. I had a great time with several friends that came over for a mother's night out. We talked about being mothers and how we made the choice to be mothers and what a wonderful thing it is and how appreciative we are for that choice. Sometimes it is nice to get together with other moms, I told my husband this was my work party. We visited, had dinner, cookies for almost three hours. My husband was really good about taking all the kids to the basement and to bed, there were a few interuptions but was nice to have some girl time, it makes me smile and I want to come back to my family afterwards.

Girls need other girls I think. One of the woman made a interesting comment. What we often need as women is a wife. Yes, that sounds weird but what was meant is that sometimes we need to have someone to support us, help us out around the house and with the children and notice what we do and give us appreciation. Our husbands are wonderful but sometimes they can't fully understand what we need, that is why it is nice to get together with other women and have these conversations and appreciate one another.

We also talked about what I call our "psycho moments" those moments where we have emotional breakdowns and are not always rational or thinking straight but what we need most of all is a comforting arm around us, unconditional love, told how much we are appreciated, and feel supported.

We are financially tight right now, just trying to get on top of things, yet at this point in our lives we feel like it is the right thing for me to be home with our children. It is a choice I have made and I have the complete support of my husband. I hope one day my children will appreciate that choice and they are learning from my time spent with them. I am so grateful for my husband, my children, my friends, for being a homemaker and having that choice avalible to me.

It has helped me a lot to know God's will for me, and to have my baby turn a year old. It is amazing how much that helps, to start to feel reconnected again with others. To get involved again, still limited because my family comes first, but I'm writing again, I started this blog, I go to a writer's group, I am involved at church and occasionally helping others besides my own family and it is a good feeling.


g said...


I am so proud of you, you did an amazing job to get ready for last night. It's amazing what we get done when people are coming over: we got the blinds up, the cupboard door on, the entire house cleaned-up, the rooms made up for the kids downstairs, cookies were made, an entire dinner made, the kids played games on the computer, and all your friends had a wonderful time. All this and you are a wonderful person, kind, generous, sensitive, sweet, thoughtful, caring, considerate, and a great listener - it's like having Mary and Martha in one, you're amazing, I love you!

Ruth said...


I'm glad you had a time out. It is so needed sometimes. Thanks for keeping us posted. I'll add this to my favorite blogs.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Sarah, I am so glad you had a good time. You are an amazing young mother. I am learning things from you, am grateful that you joined our personal history group and that we have it in your home. It feels good to be there and I look forward to it each week.

It is people like you who enrich the whole world and change it for the better. Thanks for being one of the women in charge of the "play group" and for working so hard to make sure everyone is connected.